Blog & News

Midwifery Units in Northern Ireland

Photo: Lagan Valley Freestanding Maternity Unit Midwifery Units in Northern Ireland By Seána Talbot There were 24,394 live births in NI during 2014 (NISRA, 2015) with the total number of MLU births being 2,960 - equating to 12% of births. The home birth rate is...

London Launch April 2016

London Launch April 2016

BARONESS CUMBERLEGE LAUNCHES NETWORK TO PROMOTE MIDWIFE LED UNITS AND IMPROVE CHOICE FOR WOMEN A new network is being launched to increase the availability of midwife-led care for women. This includes midwife-led maternity units and home births. The Midwifery Unit...

Midwifery Unit Network logo competition

     We are holding a logo competition! And there is a £50 Pinter and Martin book token for the winner!  Hello!  We need your help to create a logo to convey what the Midwifery Unit Network is all about. We'd love to hear from you if you have any creative ideas....

A taste of success: two midwifery units in Lancashire!

Tracey Cooper, Consultant Midwife at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals writes about the developments of their two midwifery units (birth centres), with pride!  Baroness Julia Cumberlege  Baroness Julia Cumberlege, independent chair of the National Maternity Review opened...

