Our Vision
For women and families to have positive childbirth experiences that enhance their physical and psychological wellbeing and give their babies an optimal start in life.
Our Mission
To support and promote the development and growth of midwifery units (birth centres) across Europe so they become the main care pathway for women with an uncomplicated pregnancy, providing holistic care to them and their family. To make midwifery units an easily accessible, mainstream option for women with uncomplicated pregnancies and their partners, through research, policy, leadership, quality improvement, training, influencing, information, support and networking activities.
Our Values
- holistic care that provides for both physical and social and psychological needs
- care that is both woman-centred and addresses the needs of the baby and wider family
- care that is both safe and acknowledges women’s autonomy, and is kind and personalised
- positive birthing environments for women and for midwives
- collaboration and co-design between midwives, medical staff, communities, commissioning, research and policymaking
- knowledge of physiology, biopsychosocial interactions, and their impact on the processes labour, birth and breastfeeding
- using best quality evidence to inform decision-making and appropriate use of interventions
- education, sharing of information and expertise and mutual learning.